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Special Education Support Services

Shannon Whitney

Coordinator of Special Education/Section 504, Grades K-6

Matt Burdick

Director of Student Empowerment & Success

OT/PT Therapist

Ann Bedard

Physical Therapist

David Clough

Physical Therapist, K-12

Kimberly Dinan

Occupational Therapist

Julie Elliott

Occupational Therapist

School Social Worker

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Amy Adams

Case Middle School

Taylor Bennett

Watertown High School

Maureen Hillabrandt

Watertown High School

Kristin Tooley

H.T. Wiley Intermediate School

Special Education

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Autumn Adams

Pre-K Assistant/CPSE/CSE Secretary
Watertown Learning Center-Massey Street

Elena Alteri

Teacher, K-4
Sherman Elementary School

Tammy Angel

Teacher, 9th-12th
Watertown High School

Lori Babcock

Teacher, 9th-12th
Watertown High School


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Mariah Cavallario

Teacher, Speech, Speech Pathologist, K-4
Starbuck Elementary School, North Elementary School

Devan DeCicco

Teacher, Speech, K-4
Ohio Elementary School

Alicia Dooley

Teacher, Speech, Speech Pathologist, K-4, 9th-12th
Watertown High School, North Elementary School

Kelly Guldenpfennig

Teacher, Speech, 5th-6th
H.T. Wiley Intermediate School